I’ve written about my time in Seville, but I have never really shared the photographs from my time there. (If I have, then I forgot about it; but we all love re-runs, right?) These photographs are a compilation of my stay in 2015, and my first visit to the city in 2012, during my freshman year spring break. I’m thinking about my decision to only include black and white photos. Maybe something about how this period of time feels increasingly distant to me, like crinkled postcards in a bin at the antique store.
For an upcoming newsletter, I’d love if you could tell me about your 30th year. If you have already turned 30, great! Tell me about your milestones, memories, whatever comes to mind. What defines that year of your life, as you remember it?
Not there yet? Tell me what the idea of a 30th year means to you. There are no wrong answers.
As always, nice to see!
I was there in 1989. I need to go back - I remember so little of it!